Registered Nurse
Lynn is a Registered Nurse with over 20 years clinical and senior management experience. She is a champion of patient safety and quality improvement and has extensive experience of leading, reporting and investigating serious incidents across provider and commissioner services.
As part of her clinical duties she assessed and directed care for patients with injuries sustained due to slips, trips and falls. Lynn has also led extensively on Adult Safeguarding in particular issues around prevention and management of pressure ulcers, staff training and nursing care. More recently Lynn spent several years developing and implementing government frameworks and leading and developing teams in both the public and private health and care sectors. She is also a recognised expert in developing and leading Continuing Healthcare Services.
It is Lynn’s experience as a clinical leader in her field and achievements in delivering organisational objectives and high quality care that makes her an outstanding expert in the areas of breach of duty and liability. Lynn is regularly instructed by both Claimant and Defendant Solicitors to review medical negligence cases and to identify any nursing breach of duty. Lynn’s areas of specialist interest include general nursing care, complex conditions such as Cauda Equina, wound care, pressure area care, falls, nursing and care home standards. Lynn also accepts instructions for quantum reports, including loss of service. Lynn is compliant with all CPD training provided by our in house lawyers in respect of her role and duties as a Part 35 expert witness and understands the competencies required of her. She is very experienced in presenting a clear rationale for her opinion and is robust when presenting verbal evidence in conferences and Joint Discussions.
Registered Nurse
40 Years Nursing Experience
BSc Health Science
MSc Leadership for Health Improvement
Expert Witness Training Programme
Experienced Expert Witness;
Compliant with CPR Part 35 legal training;
Risk Assessments;
Needs Assessment;
Clinical Assessment of adults with illness and disability
Report Writing;
Effective Communicator;
Critical Evaluation/Research;
Strategic Thinker;
Organisation Skills.
Assessment of adults with illness and physical disability including head, spine, orthopaedic and pain problems, amputees, palliative care, medical, age related conditions and neurological conditions;
Liability reports, falls, pressure sores, standards of care;
Loss of Services;
Aids and Equipment;
NHS Continuing Healthcare.